It’s time to rethink workspaces if you hope to survive the current economic climate says JP Lourens, Solutions Manager at Kyocera Document Solutions SouthAfrica.
While organisations have largely risen to the challenge of utilising emerging technologies to support their workforce during COVID-19, they need to consider a long-term hybrid workspace strategy.
The current pace at which organisations have to shift, adapt and transform has presented an opportunity to embrace a new way of working: the hybrid workspace. It is for this reason that Kyocera Document Solutions South Africa encourages businesses to continue rethinking their workspaces in order to survive the current economic climate.
JP Lourens, Solutions Manager at Kyocera Document Solutions SouthAfrica, says that while digital transformation was happening in many organisations pre-COVID-19, the pandemic has vastly accelerated the rate of transformation. And now, those agile, flexible organisations that transformed quickly to the first signs of change, and took advantage of emerging technologies to support their workforce, need to consider a long-term hybrid workspace strategy.
“Work is now being more recognised for ‘what we do,’ rather than a place where we go,” says Lourens.
“This evolution of the workforce has developed quicker than anyone expected – with organisations now looking to future-proof their hybrid workspace setup.” – JP Lourens.

“The forced evolution of the workplace has meant that businesses are now open to creating new hybrid workspaces and digital-first models. The bonus of this approach is that this is creating substantial business efficiencies and a more productive workforce.”
Lourens acknowledges that last year, many companies rapidly acquired new technologies and set up new infrastructure to support their remote workforce, which may have been right at the time, but now the challenge is to ensure these new tools and processes are effective and secure.
“This evolution of the workforce has developed quicker than anyone expected – with organisations now looking to future-proof their hybrid workspace setup,” explains Lourens.
Taking learnings from clients across the globe, Kyocera Document Solutions has developed a guide filled with information from IT specialists that help organisations ensure their hybrid workspace infrastructure is resilient, secure and will continue to benefit the organisation into the future.
The strategic approach explains how organisations need to equip, manage and optimise their hybrid workspace. It highlights real scenarios organisations around the globe are facing and how they’re working toward better ways of working with disparate teams who split their time between home and the office.
• To design a hybrid working infrastructure that is resilient, secure and productive, visit the Smarter Workspaces content hub for articles and a guide.