Holiday of Power promises inside edge for execs in 2020

New York Times best-selling author Natalia Rose has launched a new online course that promises to offer CEOs, high-flying executives and entrepreneurs an edge of power to help them grab the opportunities ahead in the new year.

The upcoming New Year’s resolutions for 2020 promise to once again yield mountains of good intentions but with no doubt not enough substance to back up one’s ambitions. Rose’s course is aimed at empowering individuals to form the correct habits they will need to maintain their resolve through another challenging year.

“This is a time for overcoming lower tendencies and for understanding how power works – where you have lost yours and how that loss of power has enslaved you to addictions and acceptance of a lesser life,” says Rose. “This is your window of opportunity to get the knowledge and support you need to be the vessel that soars rather than the one that breaks down as a result of the winds of the Forces of Good arising and shining! That’s the most concise way I can put it to you. It’s all in the course – along with SO much more!

“The issues over the holidays remain the same – the indulgences are handicapping.  Our weaker inclinations come through causing us to give up on ourselves at the very moment when we most need to confidently and effectively embody the principles of eating cleanly being self-actualized.”

The 8-week course costs $279 and will offer participants cutting-edge insight around key issues for business leaders such as nutrition and healthy eating, all of which is carefully aimed at rekindling the inherent power and clarity of mind with which we came into the world. Rose is a best-selling author of a number of health and lifestyle books as well as a qualified clinical nutritionist and celebrity detox coach and a world authority on deep tissue cleansing.   

The course should benefit CEOs, executives and entrepreneurs a vital boost of natural power and energy, although Rose’s teachings offer equal benefit to individuals in any field or endeavor. Her courses are aimed at offering ‘students’ with the following:

  • A clear understanding of how to manage boundaries and food triggers
  • Practical guidance on bringing ORDER back into your life (amidst the chaos)
  • Easy tools to ground yourself and keep yourself on the right track

There is also a bonus session with renowned sound therapist David Kennet, who will be sharing a modality used exclusively for his private clients for breaking old, undermining patterns and programs for a new lease on personal freedom and success in life!

Health and fitness is a strong component of Rose’s teachings, which is why she has included a second bonus offering in the form of video instruction with her personal trainer and Karate Sensei, Bradley Grant-Smith. A 5th degree black belt who has won multiple world champion titles in karate, Grant-Smith will be sharing some key exercises with students that will provide them with a fully fledged 7-week fitness program to go along with the course.

A Holiday of Power is not just a survival guide for the Holiday Season… Rose’s new online course is your ticket to freedom forever with food and emotional eating. For more information, visit